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school/college management software, kochi,kerala

Education ERP – Overview

Our Education ERP has been designed to cover the in depth functionalities of any Educational Institute/Schools/ University/ Group of Institutions, from the perspective of various users carrying different roles and responsibilities such as Students, Teachers, Staff, Principal, Management, Parents, Alumni etc. All the data is managed in a time sensitive manner along with the rules and policies applicable at that time, so whenever required, the exact information can be re-produced as it is.

The strength of our Education ERP increases many fold with the integration of our other ERP packages like Acadamic,HR, Payroll, Accounts & Inventory, Library,Hostel, School bus tracking,Store,Asset Management etc.

Complete Integrated Solution

Our Education ERP has been developed after an in-depth analysis of the requirements of various education institutes and in close coordination with the educationists, chartered accountants and quality management personals of distinction, to help you to run all your Institute related functions in more efficient, productive and comfortable manner. The primary purpose of our Education ERP is to provide mechanisms for automated processing and management of the entire institution. It reduces data error and ensures that information is managed efficiently and is always up-to-date. Complete student histories for all school years, can easily be searched, viewed and reported on press of button with the help of our solution.

Our Education ERP solution continues to serve educational institutions by developing additional programs and updating solutions with new, more efficient and customized versions that incorporate new administrative features requested by different Universities and Colleges.The delivery of bottles could be against the following modes like Cash on Delivery, Credit Payments or Coupon Exchange. The return of empty bottles and the sales of the dispensers are also taken care in the application. The application also has the facility to transfer the bottles from one vehicle to the other on approval basis. The location of the clients are mapped together to create a route and this route will be available for executives to navigate to their nearest client.

Why do you need an Education ERP?

Educational Institutes face common challenges such as:
Accessing information from paper files is a difficult task
Improper means of exchanging information between various departments
Lack of interconnection between departments
No quick or easy way to keep the records of students and staff error free and up-to-date
Wastage of hundreds of hours by staff each month manually entering information or performing administrative tasks that could be handled automatically such as evaluation and generating results
Lack of accuracy in maintaining the financial records such as Fees, Salary and Expenses
Lack of automation in calculating Fee balances or to find Fee defaulters
Lack of automation for computing the staff’s salary
Lack of easy means or quick way to access old records
Administrators spend too much time in creating Time-Table and in daily assigning the substitutes for free periods
Lack of means to provide parents and guardians the fast access to student records
This list of challenges keeps getting long and long and as a result some Educational Institutes end up with getting Stand Alone softwares from different vendors on an adhoc basis. Now what is a stand alone software?

Stand Alone Software:

The moment someone thinks about automation of school or college, he thinks of a software for Fee Management. Once he get used to of it then he thinks that he needs an another software for Salary Management and so on like for Time-Table Management, Evaluation Management etc. This ultimately leads in dealing with multiple software and multiple vendors creating a situation which is more cumbersome to manage.

Stand-alone software for school or college, not only can be very difficult to manage but also can add a lot of redundancy in data entry and ambiguity of information within same organization. For example, when a student takes admission, you will have to enter the name of that student in various software systems that are being used like Fee, Evaluation software and so on. So basically there is a lot of redundant work in this case. On the other hand there may be a case when a student who has already taken Transfer Certificate from the school and his records are still reflecting in the Fee software or in the other software systems implemented for various other modules. In the absence of a centralized software, the procedure of getting clearance from various sections for the students still remains tedious and time consuming. The common problems with stand alone software are listed below:

No Inter Module Communication
Redundancy of Data Entry
Ambiguity in Information as different S/W may show different values
Central Backup of the Entire System is not possible
Higher maintenance and support cost
Lower Returns on Investment
Handle Issues with Multiple Vendors
There could be numerous other challenges but there is nothing which can’t be handled or resolved by our effective Education ERP solution.

At d’Katia’s Career Book, we make the technology work for you. We combine our expertise, experience and services with the most advanced technologies to help transform businesses providing best value and highest level of satisfaction to our customers. We design solutions that help you in automation of daily operational tasks and allow you to manage your information effectively and accurately in a time sensitive manner, reducing hundreds of staff hours each month to focus on students.

What is ERP?

ERP is an industry term for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is an information system software that integrates departments and functions across an organisation into one computer system. ERP runs off a single database, enabling various departments to share information and communicate with each other. ERP systems comprise function specific modules, designed to interact with the other modules. A properly planned ERP solution can facilitate zero redundancy, helping you to increase your organisation’s efficiency and productivity.

Benefits of ERP Systems

Many reasons prompt people to start an ERP project. First let’s consider the main benefits of an ERP system:

Improves access to accurate and timely information
Enhances workflow, increases efficiency, and reduces reliance on paper
Tightens controls and automates e-mail alerts
Provides user-friendly Web-based interfaces
Streamlines processes and eases adoption of best business practices
Establishes a foundation for new systems and integrates existing systems
A main advantage of ERP systems is improved access to accurate and timely information. As presidents, chief financial officers, or boards attempt to understand a institution’s overall performance with existing legacy systems, they may find many different versions of the truth. An ERP system creates a single version of the truth because everyone uses the same system. Furthermore, some legacy systems make developing reports or tapping into transaction data stored on the computer quite challenging.

Another reason to consider an ERP project is to improve workflow and efficiency. For example, following completion of online requisitions, workflow processes can forward the form along the approval path more rapidly than with traditional paper methods. This can shorten the time to complete the process, reduce the likelihood of lost or missing documents, and return quick feedback on the status of a request.

ERP systems can also improve controls and program alerts. Alerts, for example, can use automated e-mail to warn budget managers about budgets in danger of running out of funds. Similarly, controls can be implemented to prevent individuals from overspending budgets.

One exciting development in modern ERP systems is the availability of easy-to-use Web interfaces. These interfaces now enhance some integrated portals with one-stop shopping for a wide range of administrative functionality and information.

The ERP project often prompts significant process reengineering and can breathe new life into ineffective and inefficient departments or processes. During an ERP project you have an opportunity to correct broken processes and replace them with modern, system-enabled, state-of-the-art business practices you don’t just want to pave cowpaths!

The ERP project also creates a foundation for new business processes, such as e-procurement, that can yield significant returns on investment. Other forthcoming applications that will be integrated into ERP systems include e-commerce, customer relations management, and pre- and post-award grants management. You can view the ERP system not only as the foundation, but also as your starter house, integrating a wide range of administrative system functionality that you’ll add to over time. ERP vendors continue to develop new functionality you can take advantage of usually at additional cost, of course.

Finally, one additional benefit we’ve observed from the ERP process is that the individuals involved often bring away from it a new work ethic that spreads to the surrounding workplace.

Benefits of Education ERP

The ERP space in higher education is moving rapidly. The future integration of Internet technologies, hosting services, and expanded ERP systems could help transform the way higher education institutions operate in the 21st century and move closer to realizing the goal of anytime, anywhere computing. Here are some benefits realized by the different User Entities of the Education System through our Education ERP solution.

Benefits for Management

Easy access of all records at one place
Channel to interact with staff, teachers, parents, students
Saving man hours and increasing productivity
Unhindered, smooth management

Benefits for Faculty

Manage class reports, attendance, performance
Making online exams
Interaction with parents
Effective planning
Online projects and forums for students

Benefits for Administration

Easy access to reports
Getting accurate and timely data
Publication & Circulation of reports
Saving man hours for productive work

Benefits for Students

Platform to interact
Share knowledge, experience, views
Access library
Online exams
Participate in projects
Contribute to school in out of school hours

Benefits for Parents

Reports & Updates regarding ward
Effective & Timely communication of school activities
Knowledge Interaction with other guardians

Quantitative Benefits

Savings from phased-out legacy systems
Streamlines Education Processes
Automates Important Functions
Increases Productivity and Efficiency
Big Savings in Person-hours
Increases Revenue

Qualitative Benefits

Improves data and process integrity
Enhances operational security
Reinforces accountability and transparency


1. End-to-End solution

Whether it’s the enrollment of a new student or calculation of salary for the staff, our Education ERP solution provides you a fully integrated end-to-end solution to manage all the functions and activities required for your education institution. It ensures that offices, faculty and students have access to timely and up-to-date information. It manages high volumes of critical information with hundred percent of accuracy helping you to run your institution more smoothly and efficiently. It creates a foundation for new processes that can yield significant returns on investment.

2. N-Tier Architecture

Our Education ERP solution is designed on an N-Tier architecture allowing multiple users to work simultaneously from multiple locations on a single database. This helps in sharing information between different departments and users on a real-time basis.

3. Streamlines Educational process

Our Education ERP solution often prompts significant process reengineering and could breathe life into ineffective and inefficient departments or processes. It helps in proper documentation and standardization of education process by setting up protocols for each and every process. Our solution also provides you an opportunity to correct broken processes and replace them with modern, system-enabled, state-of-the-art business practices. .

4. Automates important functions

Manual work most of the time is not accurate. Whether it’s the collection of fees or generating mark-sheets, the information has to be accurate. Our ERP solution automates these critical functions like fee collection, salary computation, time-table, Examination, mark-sheets etc. helping educational institutions to effectively improve productivity, efficiency and accuracy of their entire system.

5. Increases productivity and efficiency of the staff

Automation helps staff to work out things well in time helping them to give more time to take care of the other issues and problems. Our solution helps organizations to handle the same amount of work by less staff thereby allowing the rest of the man power to be deputed in other productive works.

6. Saves lot of Man hours that directly means saving of a lot of money

Automation of various critical tasks such as fee collection, salary management etc saves a lot of man hours that directly reflects to expenditure of the organization.

7. Reduces paper work

Our Education ERP solution has an in-built Document Management System that helps organizations to reduce their paper consumption to a great extent which is not just cost effective but is eco friendly as well. .

8. Strengthens relationship between different user entities

The relationship between various user entities such as Management, Staff, Faculty, Students and Parents plays a vital role in the development of student. Our Education ERP provides an interactive platform for strengthening the relationship.

9. Completely organizes data with no redundancy

Our ERP solution offers zero redundancy of data for managing the various aspects of your educational business needs. For example, you just need to add the name of student only once and it will automatically appear in rest of the modules like Fee, Courses, Examination, Promotion etc.

10. User Friendly Interfaces

Interfaces of software play an important role to make it successful and a popular solution. Our solution is designed with easy to use, interactive and user friendly interfaces that help non-expert users to perform complex functions without any difficulty.

11. Comprehensive Reporting System

Organizations around the world consider effective reporting system as a vehicle for evaluating and enhancing the performance of the entire system. Thus reports have become the most vital part of any application software. What so ever new features there may be in an application, the end user evaluates the quality of software by its quality of reports.

Our ERP solution offers a powerful mechanism to generate accurate and robust reports with a great deal of flexibility. Whether you want a report for a single student or for the entire institute, it gives you plenty of options and flexibility to generate reports at multiple levels helping you to enhance the performance and productivity of your institution.

12. Advance Printing Options

Our advance printing options gives you the freedom to generate printouts on any size of paper that reduces printing expenses to a great extent.

13. Ensures Data Security

Data Security is also an important factor while designing an ERP solution. Our Education ERP ensures complete security of data. We make sure that the data isn’t in the direct access of the users. Various security measures have been implemented to tighten the security at the database level as well as at the application level.

Login security and single sign-on: Users sign on once within a secure environment and are automatically authenticated for all applications they are allowed to access.
Security roles and permissions: Users see and access only what their individual roles and permission levels grant them.
Workflows and approval processes: Workflows and approval processes ensure proper task routing among departments.

14. Easy Centralized Backup Options

Database Backup is the most critical part of any ERP solution. Our ERP comes with easy to manage database-backup system. The database backup and restoration processes both are simple and easy and don’t require any database expert to perform these activities.

Add-on Features

Connectivity to multiple locations through Web, Wireless etc.
Real-time connectivity with Web-portals
Bio-metric/ Smart Card integration for Attendance and Security Purposes
SMS Alert System

Integration with Electronic Devices such as Display Boards, PDA’s, Mobiles etc.
Reduced lead times and increased throughput
Quick addition of new reports and customization of existing reports
Accessible from anywhere over the Internet; available on iPad / smart phones
Accurate records
Increased customer satisfaction
Scalable, flexible, agile, suitable for businesses of all sizes
Real-time information for decisions.

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